ENERGIZED and CONFIDENT in your own skin and eating habits


 In just 12 weeks you can go from FEARFUL 

 In just 12 weeks you can go from FEARFUL and FRUSTRATED

What if you could live your best life and be happy about what you eat without any guilt, and feel confident in your body?

and improve your relationship with food, all at the same time? 

What if you could finally put an end to dieting forever

YES! Tell Me more

Are you in?

Now, I've helped hundreds of other women just like you to:
clear away the confusion
quiet the diet culture noise
and set them up for the most successful journey of their lives!

In 2020 I discovered Macro Nutrition and it changed my life.

I've been there too.

tired of chasing one fad diet to the next?

now is 
the time

Change Your Mindset

You lack energy to keep up with your kids

You want to set a good example for your kids and learn how to enjoy foods with abundance as opposed to restriction

You feel like you have tried absolutely every ridiculous restrictive fad diet that didn't work long term

You feel overwhelmed by endlessly spinning on the hamster wheel of diet, binge, repeat

You have a bad relationship with food where you view food as healthy vs unhealthy, good vs bad

You are tired of not knowing what or how much to eat

You are struggling incessantly to lose the same 20
pounds over and over and over again

You feel like a complete failure when old habits creep back in

You are frustrated with cookie cutter programs that assume every woman has the same body and goals and want a personalized nutrition approach

You are tired of starting over every single Monday

This may sound like you if:

Limited Seats Available


Yes! Sign me up now


+applicable taxes

Enroll today for only:

Are you ready to live your best life and finally be happy about what you eat without any guilt, and feel confident in your body?

How to navigate macros in social settings

How to make your own macro adjustments

How to manage your macros for your changing goals

What macros are and their importance

How to track macros accurately and consistently

How to meal prep and create balanced meals

You'll learn everything you need to know about macros, including:

An Intensive 12 week program designed to help grow your knowledge of your nutritional needs

Macro Basecamp


Sample 7-day meal and snack plan

12 week strength training plan

Macro tracking sheets to help keep yourself accountable

Macro cheat sheets that guide you with food options to fulfill your macros

A listing of common foods and their macro values for quick and easy reference

A guide to using MyFitnessPal to your advantage

Grocery shopping guide

Suggestions for protein sources for vegetarians

Strategies on how to hit your protein macro requirements

Instructions on how to build a balanced macro plate

Instructions for how to modify meals at restaurants for your macro goals

Goal setting worksheets

Habit Tracker worksheet

Meal planning worksheets

A comprehensive written guide of everything you have learned so you can continue to confidently calculate and adjust your own macros for your personal goals going forward

you'll walk away with the following resources:

After The 12 Week Basecamp Is Over

This week I’ll cover how to keep yourself motivated so you can leave the program feeling confident and ready to take on your new life! I will remind you how to keep tackling your top saboteurs, how to maintain a positive inner dialogue, and how to keep sight of the goals you wanted to achieve in the first place. 


This week you’ll receive the Ultimate DIY Guide which captures everything you learned during the program. This guide will train you to become your own coach so you can continue to be successful on your own.


You know that thing that happens when you're “dieting”, and you gain all the weight back and more once you stop? Learning about the reverse macro protocol will prevent that from happening to you. How to properly go from the fat/weight loss phase to eating for maintenance is crucial information that everyone needs at some point in their macro journey. 

This week we take a look at positive self-talk while revisiting the strategies learned in week 4. It is so easy to give in to negative emotions, so we build up your arsenal against them by focusing on journaling, positive self-talk and strengthening your mind through positive intelligence.


Let’s face it - vacations are meant to be FUN! Tracking macros should not add stress to your vacation. This week you’ll learn how to stay on track on holidays, including workouts you can do in your hotel or Airbnb.


Everything is easier when you plan ahead! During this part of the program, you will learn how to prepare for success with every meal. You will learn how to meal prep and be given worksheets to help you get started.


The truth is, sometimes you will need to step outside your regular routine! Whether this means going to your in-laws for dinner, going out to a restaurant for date night or for a night out with the girls, you will learn how to stay true to your new lifestyle even when you’re not in the comfort of your own kitchen.


This is where you’ll learn the science behind everything. You’ll learn the various phases of macro tracking, their duration, and their impact on our hormones. After receiving this knowledge, you’ll be able to strategically plan your weight loss phases based on what’s going on in your life. Because the reality is, attempting weight loss at a busy or stressful time is far less likely to be successful. 


This week you’ll discover why some habits stick and why some don’t. You’ll learn new strategies on how to build healthy habits that LAST. You’ll also receive a Habit Tracker so you can track all the new habits you are forming during your time in Macro Basecamp that you want to stick with going forward. 


Right around the halfway mark you may start to lose that enthusiasm you had when you first started the program. This week we take a deep dive into all your wins from when you started the program till this point to provide you with motivation to continue.

This week you’ll discover what your top saboteurs are and learn how to quiet them through positive intelligence and mental fitness. This week will make you aware of your self-sabotage behaviours, and what you learn can be applied to all areas of your life. You’ll also be provided with a list of “power” questions you can utilize in times you are feeling overwhelmed or “stuck” in your journey.
This is a big week, where I will teach you the foundational aspects of the entire course:

  • What macros are and why they are important
  • How to track macros
  • Tracking macros vs calories and why tracking macros is superior to tracking calories
  • How to use a food scale
  • How to build a balanced macro plate 

By the end of this first week you will have the concept of macro tracking firmly under your belt and learn how to build a balanced plate when you are out and don’t have your food scale with you.

what's inside

Weekly Lessons

Want to make a lifestyle change that will give them a long and healthy life

Want to enjoy date night or ladies’ night guilt-free

Want to start looking and feeling confident in their own body and clothes

Want to reconnect with the joy of eating without restrictions

Want to free themselves from trying absolutely everything to lose weight

Want to increase their overall knowledge about the importance of nutrition and how food makes us feel

Macro Basecamp is designed for women who:




“Working with Shar was the best decision! She is a great teacher and knows what she is doing. I love how much training we got each week, on top of unique weekly macro calculations and direct feedback. The workouts were critical for me. Shar was there for every day, step and week in the 12 week journey. This program changed my body, mind, life. There are no words that can do justice to what Shar's program has done for my mental health. I am so much happier. I have literally learned how to live life differently.”

My results exceeded my expectations and I can’t wait to continue with Shar for another 12 week journey. 




In just 12 weeks I noticed so many positive changes in my physical and mental health. Thanks to this program I have improved my relationship with food and gained the knowledge to continue this macro journey long-term. Shar is an amazing macro coach! She is super knowledgeable and supportive! The program is clearly set-up for success and Shar is there to guide, empower and celebrate all the wins along the journey!”

The macro basecamp program has exceeded my expectations! 




“Having Sharleen as my coach has been amazing! She gives you all the tools you need to be successful with your goals. I feel like I have a way better outlook for what realistic weight loss is and once the weight comes off, how to keep it off by learning to maintain a balanced lifestyle when it comes to food and working out. She provided me with customized work outs, and checked in to see how I was doing along the way and helped me navigate healthy choices when eating out or even being away on holidays. These last three months have been great and I am taking away a lot of information and positivity from the experience.”

This is a lifestyle change, and one that I will be forever thankful to have discovered




“When I started this program, I believed that I needed to eat a 1,200 calorie, low carb, no sugar, low fat diet if I wanted to see results. Shar taught me that by doing this, I was actually slowing my metabolism, and not fueling my body properly so it was holding onto the fat instead of losing it. Shar calculated my macros, and when my caloric intake was exceptionally higher than what I had been consuming, I was completely freaked out, but she coached me to trust the process. I am in the best shape of my life, I have leaned out, gained muscle, and improved my physique.

12 weeks later, I have lost almost 10 pounds and 12 inches


Macro Basecamp launches at various times throughout the year. I ensure every client gets the individualized support they need and deserve and because of this I cap enrolment at 10 women. The amount of support inside Macro Basecamp is unparalleled to other programs, so I only open up enrolment when I have the capacity to take on new clients. If you are interested in joining the next round of Macro Basecamp I highly suggest you get your name on the waitlist as you'll be one of the first to know when enrolment opens.

Absolutely! There is a pay in full option and a 3 month payment plan. Additional payment plans can be accommodated so saying "YES" to yourself is even easier. These options can be discussed on our discovery call.

If you are on this page I am thinking you already know that answer. ;) BUT… I actually don't take any money from you until AFTER we have a discovery call. Once you complete the application you will be invited to schedule your discovery call with me. This discovery call is important as it allows me to be a metabolic detective so that I can create the most successful macro nutrition plan for you. This also allows you to ask any questions and provides me the opportunity to explain the program and the recommended protocol BEFORE you commit.

First and foremost - I've walked this journey before so I know what challenges will come up and I know how I can best support you. I provide you with a customized macro nutrition plan, weekly check-ins for continuous support and accountability, biweekly group coaching calls, an exclusive community, a strength training program, and weekly modules to continue to educate you throughout your journey. You receive unlimited support from me during our 12 weeks together.

This 12 week program is designed to help grow your knowledge of your nutritional needs. I will teach you what macros are, how to track them accurately and consistently with ease, how to meal prep and create balanced meals, how to navigate macros at restaurants, on vacation, and in social settings, and how to make your own macro adjustments so that you can continue your journey feeling confident in how to manage your macros for your changing goals. 
Having said that, some women want to continue their journey with me therefore you have the option to join the Alumni Collective. The only way inside the Alumni Collective is if you have completed Macro Basecamp. You can join the Alumni Collective at any time you feel you need extra support in your journey. There is a 3 month commitment when you join.

YOU BET!!! The workouts can be done at home or at the gym. Speaking from experience, it can feel super duper intimidating stepping into a gym but I can guarantee you'll have so much more confidence after completing my 12 week strength training program you'll be WANTING to hit the gym! For the workouts, all you need is dumbbells! I recommend having at least a couple sets of dumbbells in a variety of weights. This will help you challenge yourself further.

The workouts are typically around 45-60 minutes and there are 4 workouts/week. If you need shorter workouts that fit your schedule, I can do that too!

FOREVER! You paid for the program therefore you'll have lifetime access to the modules as well as all future updates!

“I have struggled with food and weight for what feels like all of my life. Working with Shar helped me make significant mindset shifts in regards to food and how it fuels us. In 12 weeks I was able to change my mental relationship with food and understand so differently how we eat impacts our hormones, metabolism, energy, mood, everything really! Shar is an encouraging and compassionate coach who walks side by side with you as you learn and grow. Thank you!!”

This is a lifestyle change, and one that I will be forever thankful to have discovered

“Not only am I eating more than before, I’m enjoying the foods I love and I don’t feel deprived. Shar is full of knowledge, encouragement and is a great coach. I learned more through her coaching than I have from any other diet or program I’ve tried in the past. In fact I had to unlearn a lot of what diet culture has taught me. I trust Shar and the process and the results came. I even went on two vacations during the program and still achieved my goals. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to learn how to properly fuel their body, gain strength mentally and physically and look and feel better!”

Wow! Looking at my pictures and progress I am blown away.

“As someone who has LITERALLY tried everything…eVErYtHINg (besides working with a coach) nothing ever reaaally worked for me. Nothing is this sustainable and healthy. Shar is amazing, and her passion to help is what convinced me to try. She is absolutely phenomenal! She was beside me every step of the way. She always had the answer and was always ready to support and guide when needed. Hard work, dedication and consistency are key but what made this absolutely doable is just how flexible this program is!”

I had no idea this is how well this program can work!

Over the 12 week program I’ve lost 8 pounds and 8.5 inches while eating in a surplus due to breastfeeding! I have also gained muscle, feel stronger and am finally out of the maternity clothes. I have gained knowledge about nutrition and how to fuel my body and most importantly feel like I’ve achieved food freedom. Shar encourages you to eat “fun” foods and not to restrict things you love to eat but find ways to include them in moderation. The reason this works so well is because there is nothing you can’t eat.”

 I’m glad I reached out for help and made this investment in myself, it has truly been life changing. 


“It changed my relationship with food, how I fuel my body, while still allowing me to eat the food I crave. It educated me about the balance of 80/20, and not depriving restricting yourself. The program allowed me to eat a whole lot more calories, while still losing weight... a real win win. It changed my level of exercise, and got me back in the gym again. Most of all, it changed me. It gave me confidence in myself again, both outside and in. I cannot say thank you enough. Thank you for giving me a lifestyle rather than just another diet!!!!”

Shar's program changed my entire life and I could not be more grateful.

June of 2020: I found myself at my highest weight and in a demanding career.  I was tired and frustrated from chasing fad diets, juice cleanses, and the 1200-calorie limit. Not knowing what was real and what was just silliness was exhausting me.  As a Project Manager, it won’t surprise you that I turned to the research to try and help me solve my weight problem. But there was so much information out there, and I felt lost and paralyzed about what options to choose. I decided to invest in a coach, and joined a macro program.  I turned to macros because of my own vanity: we were planning the trip of a lifetime to Beijing with no return date planned, and I wanted to look good! I was desperate to find something that worked, and I’m so thankful I did. I fell in love with macro nutrition as all the pieces fell into place for me. I had found a way to enjoy ALL the food groups (including my favourite snacks), and still meet my goals. 

I help women prioritize their nutrition to transform their relationship with food so they can live their best life feeling vibrant and confident in their body.



Hey there!

Are not serious about reaching your goals

Are not willing to make meaningful changes in your current routine

Make excuses (e.g., “I don’t have time for this!”) instead of putting in the work

Want quick and easy results

Macro Basecamp is NOT a good fit if you:

Ultimate DIY Macro Guide ($148 value)

Fast Food and Restaurant Guide ($29 value)
Includes tips on how to modify meals at restaurants

Strength Training Program including videos and a tracker ($33 value)

How to Build a Balanced Macro Plate ($49 value)

Macro Friendly Recipes ($22 value)
includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and snacks!

In Addition to Macro Basecamp You'll Get Access To These Bonuses


Meal Planner, Goal Setting worksheets, habit tracker ($99 value)




“This program was hard… mentally, physically, emotionally… it is what you put into it. I struggled a lot through this program. I tracked macros off and on in the past years so that part of it wasn’t too hard but it sure is time consuming to do it consistently for 12 weeks. The one thing I’ve learned through Shar is that you need to strive for consistency, and some days you won’t hit your goals, and that is okay. This program is a lifestyle change and it allows you to learn and incorporate all the tools you need to live a healthy, active, well balanced lifestyle while enjoying the foods you want… in moderation! Shar has taught me the fundamentals and I look forward to incorporating her teachings into my food and gym life! She’s amazing! This program is amazing!”

I saw a huge shift in my body composition and I learned a lot about my body and what makes the scale move up and down. 




My experience with the program was positive. It helped me realize that it is not an all or nothing, and that each journey takes time. I was able to enjoy the things I like and not feel like I had to eat meals or food, just because it was healthy. I am starting to have a healthier relationship with food and owning the decisions I make. Shar helped make me realize that the choices I make are not bad, just choices. Good, Great and Best.”

I was able to enjoy the things I like and not feel like I had to eat meals or food, just because it was healthy. 




“Amazing! Shar is so positive and supportive when it comes to health and fitness! She has helped me make great strides towards a healthier relationship with my body and food and I cannot express how grateful I was to have her with me during this journey! ”

Amazing! Shar is so positive and supportive when it comes to health and fitness!

I want in right now

If you're struggling with making the investment in yourself, think about this: How much money do you spend each month on coffee, drinks, fast food - things that leave you feeling guilty about yourself?

The time to prioritize your own wellbeing is now.

Invest in

The Time is Now

Money Back


You must provide proof that the following was completed: 12 weekly check-ins with the coach, adhered to the plan, watched video content and implemented proven strategies. If you are 100% unhappy with your purchase you will receive a full refund. Please reach out to hello@designedbyshar.com with the subject Refund. Read the terms